I recently joined a very vibrant and useful online site for women writers called She Writes. A great community is building there and I highly recommend you check it out. It's for writers and wannabe writers of everything from novels to short stories to non-fiction and poetry and covers every aspect of the writing life: writer's block, marketing and promotion, using social networking and much more. And it also gives you the opportunity to network with other writers, which can be so invaluable.
Writer Eileen Flanagan, author of The Wisdom to Know the Difference, recently posted on SheWrites about how we writers sometimes feel pushy when marketing our books to friends and family members. This led her to write a great piece called, "If You Love a Writer." It consists of ten suggestions for all the friends of book authors who are dealing with promoting their books during a tough economy. You can read it here.
Thanks Wendy. I just joined and wrote my first blog post. Overwhelmed by so many social networking sites, this one looks promising.
Yes. Overwhelming is the word. I'll look for you on SheWrites!
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