Akemashite omedeto gozaimasu is one way to say “Happy New Year” in Japanese. Literally it means something like, “Congratulations on the opening of the new year,” and I like to think that at this time we’re all open to new possibilities. For those who want 2008 to be the year they get their novel published, here is some info and resources I hope you’ll find helpful.
Before you send out your queries to agents, you should make sure that your manuscript is ready. In an illuminating series of articles in the latest issue of Poets & Writers magazine (Jan/Feb 2008) one agent says that the biggest mistake a writer can make is submitting a manuscript too soon. Do you have trusted readers who can critique your novel who will give you honest, constructive feedback? Have you considered hiring a manuscript consultant to look at your work? A good place to start might be researching writing teachers at your local colleges and universities who may offer such a service. And, you never know, some of your favorite authors may also do manuscript consultations on the side--check out their Web sites. If plot is one of your weak points, you may want to look into Blockbuster Plots.
As far as finding an agent, there are a couple of sites I recommend. One is AgentQuery.com, which offers loads of useful information on the process of querying agents. Another feature is the ability to search for agents who represent particular genres and styles of novels.
Publishers Marketplace is another great site. The first thing to do is to sign up for their Publisher’s Lunch and Deal Lunch e-mail newsletters. These are free and will give you industry news that is useful in finding what types of novels agents are selling. A paid subscription to the Web site will give you even more features, including your own Web page and the ability to search on agents and what they’ve sold over the last several years.
Good luck!
I'm 'hoping' 2008 will be the year I get published! Welcome to the blogosphere, and all best for the coming year, Wendy!
At this point, I believe I'll settle for 2008 being the year I get an agent. An agent AND an editor would be great, and an agent, editor and publishing contract would be fantastic -- but then so would world peace and my own pony.
I know that I have jumped the gun more than once, but I tell myself that I am on the right track now.
Thanks, Joanne, and good luck!
Mary, I think this will be your year for all three!
Your post is full of generous and helpful information.
Thanks for including me in your post, Wendy.
I am so pleased with the success with your book.
Anyone interested in how Wendy plotted out Midori by Midnight go to:
Thanks again, Wendy. All the best.
Thanks, Martha, for stopping by and offering your nice comments!
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